The most important two words in life?

Perhaps the most important word in life is....."love".

The most important 2 words in life are........"I am"

The most important 3 words in life combine the one and the two. I Love You.

The third word is "me giving to other"

The two words are "self based"

The one word is "other based"


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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How Much Overweight are You?

Did you know, that if your weight is 20 to 30% higher than average, that you have a 23% higher chance of Colon or rectum cancer?

83% higher chance of Endometrium cancer
38% higher chance of Uterine cancer
44% higher chance of Cervical cancer
76%  higher chance of Gall Bladder cancer
27%  higher chance of Prostate cancer

If you are 40% + Overweight:

435% more likely to have cancer of Endometrium
360% more likely to have cancer of Uterus
249% more likely to have Gall Bladder Cancer
51% more likely to have Breast Cancer
35% more likely to have Prostate Cancer

I picked up a bag of rice and it weighed 20 pounds and I have just lost 35 to 37 pounds and I thought, "How heavy this is!"   

I was carrying an equivalent to almost 2 of these heavy bags of rice. Hard to imagine.

But as I have lost weight, I have found that I can again wear many clothes.  I have lost 4 inches in my belt size.  See this.  I can also wear my good dress shirts and suits again, plus I feel great.

Contact me for information on the 17 steps to lose a pound a day.  Check out this video:

Ben B. Boothe Sr.
817 738 9595

1 comment:

  1. We all need encouragement, and I am trying to lose weight as well. I will become a friend and want to be a part of this group. I will send before and after photos when I can. Ernst Diener
