The most important two words in life?

Perhaps the most important word in life is....."love".

The most important 2 words in life are........"I am"

The most important 3 words in life combine the one and the two. I Love You.

The third word is "me giving to other"

The two words are "self based"

The one word is "other based"


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Friday, April 30, 2010

Windy Texans, Where are your Turbines!

Texans love to brag. Texas has the biggest, the best, the fastest, the richest, you name it.

So when it was discovered that Texas has the best wind corridor in the world, for Wind Power, it was natural that Texans bragged about it. "I was born where the wind always blew, now we can make electricity from it" was a refrain.

But, as it has played out. Only a few people have benefitted from development of wind farms. A few giant companies, and partnerships, with GE, Siemens, Mitsubishi, and the nation of China, have built and profited by huge wind farms in West Texas.

But ask the average Texan, if he has a wind turbine and he will look blankly and shake his head.

Experts throughout the world point out that the real value of wind turbines is for "end users". Hospitals, Shopping Centers, Schools, Golf Courses, Hotels, Apartment Complexes, Farm irrigation needs, and even feed lots and dairy operations. Individual homes can also be given a "zero" electric bill, by a small turbine in their back yard. Yet, Texans have proven to be like the proverbial urban cowboy: "All belt and hat, but no cow" Texans, when it comes to wind power, not only don't have a cow, they don't have the hat, belt, horse, or even a song, when it comes to truly using wind power.

Part of it is politics. Big utilities, big oil, and big business, still has a basic philosophical difference with anything "green". They would like to stay in the heady days of big business and monopolies, like the utilities, oil companies have enjoyed for the past 100 years. But the fact is that oil is a depleting resource. Towns will die from lack of energy, just like they dry up from lack of water. So while nearly every state in the union has a true net metering law, where utilities will pay an "end user" who has a turbine, fair retail rates for the extra electricity he produces, Texas does not. And the utilities refuse to buy excess power, seeming to ignore the fact that our nation needs all the power it can get, from whatever source. Even the formidable Boone Pickens, picked up his turbines and moved them to Minnesota, where the state law and the culture wanted more wind power. The Texas Public Utility Board/Commission has been heavily lobbied for 50 years by big oil, and big utility companies, and they have dragged their feet on building new transmission lines, even though it is the law that they must do it. Without transmission lines, big investors such as Boone Pickens simply took their billions and invested in another state. What a loss for Texas.

But that is not excuse for you, dear reader. If you pay an electric bill over $500.00 per month, knowing that with a wind turbine, or solar panels that your electric bill could be significantly reduced, perhaps even to zero, you are part of the problem. You would rather stay on the "Tit" of big oil and big utilities, than to do what is right for our nation and for our state and for you.

Consider this. The U.S. Government will pay you back, 30% of your investment in the form of a check. Plus if you use your electricity for a business, a shopping center, a convenience store, an office building, a farm, almost any business, you can depreciate and deduct 100% of your investment over a 5 year period of time. So, not only do you get "free" electricity, but the government will essentially pay for your investment with deductions and incentives.

Plus you get free electricity for the next 20,30 or 40 years.

So, those of us who believe in wind power, renewable energy, and solar power, have been let down and disappointed by Texans, who talk a great story when it comes to the wind of Texas, but in reality have thus far done little.

I challenge you to visualize "free electricity" in your building, shop, office, or business. Wind turbines can be purchased from $5,900, to $1,500,000, that would satisfy most needs for end users. Most cities in Texas will allow turbines in, because the Federal Government has mandated that they should, otherwise they might be at risk of getting federal money when they need it.

Check out: or

Do something! Be part of the solution. You know, we all can fill our houses with the little squirrilly light bulbs, and add more insulation, and still only reduce your electric bill a fraction.
Actually making your own electricity is a real contribution.

Let's see less talk, and more walk, Texans. We at the Boothe Ranch have a wind turbine, and solar panel, and green house for drip irrigated food production, and reflective metal roof, and we are doing our part. Why not join us!

Ben Boothe
Boothe Ranch

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